Bringing God into the Marketplace.
What our world needs more than business superstars are spiritual statesmen – men and women who rise above the pursuit of their personal agendas to lead people and organizations to please and honor God.
Businesspeople can often do what preachers and missionaries cannot. Isn’t it interesting that when Jesus chose twelve disciples he found them in the marketplace? He chose a dozen businessmen! These men had a lot to learn about the kingdom of God, but they knew the world and how to operate in it.
Today’s businesspeople understand how the world functions – they have to in order to succeed at their jobs. They have contacts throughout the marketplace. Their network among other Christians crosses denominational lines.
If God were to bring sweeping revival today, it might not come through a church. Many denominations are isolated, and a revival in one group of churches might never reach other Christian organizations. Revival could, however, come through the marketplace.
Christian businesspeople are connected through multiple denominations. The business community by nature is oriented towards results. Many Christian businesspeople are weary of theological hairsplitting, and they are bewildered by the adamant refusal of Church leaders to cooperate with one another. In the marketplace, working and pooling resources makes sense.
Christian business leaders must refuse to be self-centered, politicizing profiteers. Instead, they must allow God to elevate their lives and their leadership to that of statespersons. God did that with a handful of fishermen and local business leaders in the first century, and the world continues to feel the impact. God can do it again today. Are you willing to allow Him to make you a statesperson for your generation?