Sweat Equity

Sweat Equity

There’s something about sweat equity.

There’s something about putting in those hours to see a dream you believe so much in, come to pass.

There’s something about staying up incredibly late at night, laying the framework… arranging the building blocks for a new inspiration you’ve received.

There’s something about making those necessary sacrifices to succeed… something about delaying gratification today in consideration of a better tomorrow.

There’s something about sweat equity that no other form of equity can replace.


Because the sweat binds you to that dream.

There’s something about getting out of your comfort zone and deciding to take that risk… to make that move that will draw out the first ball of sweat from your previously dormant glad.

There’s something amazing about sweat equity.

Start Something Today.

The Boiling Frog Anecdote…

The Boiling Frog Anecdote…

If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will of course frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.

Lesson? Don’t get comfortable.


At the age of 12?

At the age of 12?

Here’s an excerpt of an article I stumbled upon a few minutes ago, from the article “Top 30 Startup Entrepreneurs to watch”:

Startup Name: Spartz

What it is: Spartz is a network of crowdsourced-content websites including information site OMG Facts, uplifting story site Gives Me Hope and Harry Potter fan site MuggleNet.

How it started: At the age of 12, Emerson Spartz convinced his parents to let him drop out of school to be homeschooled. A month later, Spartz launched MuggleNet, which attracted 50 million monthly page views. He went on to build out the network to be what it is today: a giant monster of websites receiving over 160 million monthly page views. To be labeled an expert in going viral is an understatement.


At the age of 12, Emerson Spartz convinced his parents to let him drop out of school to be homeschooled.

I won’t over-analyze the above statement. I’d just let it speak for itself.

The difficulty of getting good at anything…

The difficulty of getting good at anything…

The period where your taste outpaces your ability to produce it is a hard one. You know your goals but don’t quite know how to fulfill them.

That’s why it’s easier to be a film critic rather than a film director 🙂

On Impossibility

On Impossibility

I think that doing the impossible, ridiculous things, are actually the most do-able things. Because when there is a gap of impossibility, people lead in.

On Disruption – Dare to Imagine, Design to Win.

Disruptive innovations can reshape industries, supplant old technologies, and topple political regimes. 

To bring about the scale of change social entrepreneurs envision, they must think like disrupters – first understanding the forces that have created and fueled our greatest challenges, and then designing solutions aimed at nothing less than to bring about a more just, sustainable, and prosperous world.
Disruption carves a path, one that calls for business, government and civil society leaders to move beyond incrementalism and to dare, dream and design a whole new way forward. For make no mistake about it: our future, the future of humanity and the planet hangs in the balance. 
Do we have what it takes to disrupt what is in order to create what can be?

Being a Founder Is Riddled With Doubt

None of us have a ‘crystal ball’. In order to see the future, we have to take a step at a time, and hope for the very best.

Keep moving and stay positive.
Africa’s New Dawn

Africa’s New Dawn

I believe Africa can help shape the new century

– Mo Ibrahim

Defending the Dragonfly

Defending the Dragonfly

I have always found dragonflies to be interesting creatures. Let me explain why:

Yesterday, I needed to get some housework done, so I got up from my bed and swiftly headed to the back of my house to grab a mop stick. It was a hot, sunny afternoon outside.

In my customary habit of subconsciously scanning the environment for anything strangely interesting (of which I usually end up disappointed), I saw a dragonfly. The same dragonfly I usually see when I come to the back of my house. What was it doing there? Well, it was doing the one thing it was so obviously named to do – it was flying. And not just that, it was hovering precariously close to where my target mop was located.

But, oblivious to its presence, its intimidating size or threatening looks, I headed straight into ‘the zone’, picked up my mop and headed back into the house.

Once I got to the kitchen, I stood to ponder for a while. And then it hit me – in all my various encounters with dragonflies (well, since I was conscious of my existence), none of them have ever touched or bumped into me. If you share my fear of flying insects, you’d agree with me that a dragonfly is too big a creature to ignore. But I had reached a point in my life where I could boldly approach a dragonfly and remain rest assured that it was not going to violate my personal space. Heck, I could even bet my laptop that it couldn’t happen. I wouldn’t bet my laptop on any other thing.

That day, I learnt a valuable lesson.

Well, maybe it wasn’t in the nature of that dragonfly to disturb me. Maybe it was intimidated by my size and alpha dominance (which makes me comparatively ponder why houseflies and mosquitoes aren’t). Maybe it was even too busy to notice my existence altogether…

But I could boldly stand anywhere to defend that dragonfly.

Why? Because it had proven itself, day after day, that it wouldn’t touch me.

I want to reach a point in my life where the same thing could be said of a positive quality I choose to imbibe – integrity for example. A point where it could be firmly declared, even on the mountaintops, that my integrity is consistent, unwavering, unshaken and unstirred. That I’d rather die than compromise on my integrity.

But because there are too many variables involved, I personally know that it’s not humanly possible for that to happen. But I want it to happen.

So help me God.


Go to the Ant, consider her ways, and be wise (Proverbs 6:6)


Disclaimer: My defence of the dragonfly was culled from my personal experiences and therefore, the views expressed here are solely mine. My apologies if you have been attacked by any of these peace-loving creatures. I take absolutely no responsibility over that.

The dreaded C word


That word always sounded ominous to me.

While in University, when anybody wanted to get anything done, they formed a ‘committee’. Some of these committees did well; some performed below expectation, but most were scrapped as quickly as they were created. There was just too much fuss about forming committees.

I guess it was the word that scared people and stifled creativity.

In one particular ‘committee’ I served, we decided to consciously change our perception. We called ourselves a team. Once we did that, things immediately turned around for the better, and we achieved our goal in record time.

Lesson learnt? Life is not as complicated as we think. When we simplify our message to appeal to the human factor within ourselves, things will eventually turn out for the better.